EZ Connect™ g Wireless PCI Card

SMC PCI WiFi2.4GHz 54 Mbps Wireless PCI Card


At 54 Mbps, the 802.11g-compatible SMCWPCI-G 54 Mbps Wireless PCI Card is five times faster than existing 802.11b devices. It easily handles media-rich content, such as large digital video and MP3 files, supercharging them through your network to your desktop at blazing speeds. And because the SMCWPCI-G is wireless, it saves you the time and expense of installing Ethernet cabling when you want to set up or expand a network, and makes it simple to relocate your desktop PC without rewiring. Moreover, it allows network users to wirelessly share a broadband Internet connection for access to corporate resources, the Internet, and e-mail, with the highest available level of industry-standard WEP encryption and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) security. The SMCWPCI-G includes an EZ Installation Wizard that lets you get up and running simply in seconds.

1.500,- (antenna nélkül – £3.7 / €4.8 / $5.6)


Pinnacle PCTV Stereo

(TV tuner kártya)
Tartozékok: PCI kártya, IrDA (infravörös) érzékelő, távirányító, szoftver, leírás


Driver letöltése ajánlott, mivel a dobozban található eredeti CD-n lévő szoftver nem támogatott kifogástalanul Windows XP SP2-n és felette.

3.500,- (£8.6 / €11 / $13)
